Run programs in isolation from the rest of the system to ensure the protection against malware. Prevent any modifications being made to your computer and securely navigate unsafe web pages or text potentially infected software in a virtual environment.
Sandboxie can protect your operating system from undesired changes by running programs in an isolated area. This way, a sandboxed program cannot make permanent changes to your PC. Likewise, you can run web browsers in a “box”, which makes you immune to all kinds of threats coming from the Internet while totally preserving your privacy. Not only that, it gives the possibility of sandboxing your email client to safeguard yourself from infected attachments.
Despite the complexities inherent to the processes running “under the hood”, the application is very easy to use. In this respect, the main program can be invoked from the System Tray to create as many sandboxes as you may need and stop running applications. In addition, it lets you configure various aspects, such as program alerts, system integration, and software compatibility. However, the easiest way to sandbox an application is by using the corresponding command from the right-click menu.
All in all, Sandboxie is quite effective in protecting your system. This comes in particularly helpful when you need to run a program that could be potentially harmful. This eliminates the need to use a virtual machine instead. Yet, Sandboxie may seem somewhat expensive, mostly when equally effective tools are available at no cost. It has two versions with different prices and features: Home and Commercial.
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What's new in this version:
Version 3.42 improved support for Windows 7 and Windows Media Player 12 and support for environment variables changed within the sandbox...